Mary: Hey ChatGPT, will you help me write an article?
Chat GPT: I'm here to help! Would you like some suggestions?
Mary: No thanks. I have a basic idea. Can you give me 3 outlines for a Medium article catering to the bitterness of frustrated young men that gives examples of women taking advantage of them. Pull the examples from #Relationships posted to TikTok today.
ChatGPT: O-Kay! Here you go?
Mary: Great. Thanks. Let's go with the second one. Write a 5 minute article, personalize it by writing it in first person and make the examples all friends". The tone and energy should be the most desperate, deluded, and obnoxious pick me imaginable. Use Pearly Things as a baseline.
ChatGPT: You're welcome. Here's your article.....
To see Chat....I mean, Mary's article...see above.