Many many more love their jobs and would never trade so called security for the right to vote, be in charge of one's own finances, or earn a living other than on her back.
I agree many are overworked. Men haven't stepped up to do their fair share of domestic work.
I don't think the solution to that is to go back to the way things were. It didn't work well the first time, what's changed? Men are suddenly going to be nicer, just cause?
Wanna buy a bridge? I got this great bridge in Manhattan.
No. I think the solution is going to be to stop investing in men who refuse to step up. Stop trusting them until they have truly earned it. Having fewer, if any, children. Not wasting time trying to get these men to engage, it's a waste of time and resources. If they truly wanted a family, they'd be present for one. Many women would he better off pairing with other moms and taking care of themselves than trying to get men to be fathers.
Most of the younger set I know aren't dating. It's because they don't see the point or any long term advantage. Dating men in large part are just obnoxious for various philosophical reasons. Nobody wants to spend the time or energy wading through all that to find the good ones any more. Nobody wants to hear, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince!" any more.
So, they're just not interested. They're happier than many women my age who got married, stayed, sacrificed, and slogged through unhappy marriages for the food of the family and are now either finding that freedom, or downing anti-depressants to make it through another day.
I divorced before I hit 30 and never remarried. I'm glad. I've had a better life and been much (truly) happier the most of my cohort seems to be.
But hey, if women being sad and alone without me is the narrative you want to tell yourself so you can go to sleep at night, have at it. Good luck with that.