Look up your local TA (Trollers Anonymous) and commit to 6 months of therapy.
See if that can’t help you out of the rabbit hole of delusion you live in.
BTW, telephones work both ways. No court can keep you from contacting your biological father. Just press the buttons and if and when he answers say “hey Dad". But when he’s too busy or just doesn’t want to be bothered with you, don’t blame your mom or women in general or the “feminist" court system. They had nothing to do with it.
These days nearly every kid in America has their own phone or has relatively easy opportunities to have one. They don’t have to all be Galaxy S or iPhones. With text, email, phone, social media apps, calendar sharing, video conferencing, and gaming, there is no real reason or excuse for a father to not be involved in his child’s life every single day even if they no longer live together other than that he just doesn’t want to be because they don’t care enough to be bothered to.
There’s your hard truth. The paternal separations are NOT something that women have done to men but something you men continue to do to yourselves and refuse to take responsibility for and then blame women because you won’t get your shit together.
Not can’t. Won’t