Like I said, it's the dominance hierarchy that's the problem. Your examples are a perfect demonstration of this.
It's not specifically about gender. It's about 'othering' as a means to parasitize one segment of the population in various ways.
If you made the moral judgement criteria be belly buttons where innies were deemed inferior and therefore deserving of abuse and exploitation and loss of legal autonomy to outies you'd have the same damn thing.
You could stratify based on foot shape. Freckles. Moles. Incisor length. Nose type. Forehead depth. How many lines are across your thumb joint.
Whatever. You'd end up with the exact same damned thing.
Whatever your criteria are, it creates haves and have nots. And then, you get all the grievance it creates and all the violence it takes to hold the moral objectification. It's just a matter of time and pressure.