Just so you know, I just went and listened to your rant and dude, you were all over the place. It was terrible.
It doesn't take 30 plus minutes to say "I'm butt hurt because some woman who dares identify with an ideology I also align with (doomerism) had the AUDACITY to point out that MY hero, Thomas Malthus, who's a genius btw, was a supremacist pig. I mean, I haven't actually read anything by the guy in 45 years but I'm a die hard fan. See my fan club membership card? Well....if she was right in that he was a supremacist pig (she was) then she might possibly, perhaps, if you took the time to weigh ALL the facts, and considered them fairly, after clearing all the cobwebs out of your ass (we know you're dying to call her a cunt, have refrained but let 'breeder' slip at least twice), well then.....oh so begrudgingly......she would be right (pity I can't minimize font on my mobile app to emphasize that last squeaked out phrase--so mousy).
That bitch has tarnished my crusty old white guy visage! She must be destroyed!!!!"
See how much more succinct that was? 2 minutes tops.
Consider...if you had enough cobwebs you could just polish that visage right back up with a little spit and shine and then you wouldn't have to worry about whether liking a supremacist makes you one too when you're on your next sexist rant, just like one of your other fan favs, Alex Jones.
Drama drama drama.
Some aloe will soothe that butt burn, my guy. Visage restored. 😜
Can't wait for part two. Should be interesting. Word to the wise, you might want to educate yourself BEFORE defending an opinion this time around. Criticism is fine. Necessary even. Just be accurate about what you're criticizing as well as what you're defending. Lastly, if you don't want to thought of as a supremacist, don't dehumanize by reducing a woman down to her womb.