Just out of curiosity, who were you before you got booted off the platform and had to open a new account? Or, did you come from another platform?
It's 70%, not 80%. You're mixing up your percentages with another bullshit survey "study".
This one is referring to who filed as who initiated the divorce.
You men who cite this statistic are taking it as a rejection and a grievance and running wild with it as proof that women abuse men in greater numbers than men abuse women and stuff like that.
The problem here is that the person who filed is the person who agreed to or was left to handle the paperwork. Theres no correlation that it also means they are the person who torched the marriage.
It means theyre the one who's cleaning up the mess.
Remind us all again about the breakdown of who does the bulk of household, relationship, and marriage maintenance tasks and work?
Was it men?
Then why would the work of ending a marriage, legally, be any different?
This isn't the gotcha you boys think it is.
It's just more male hubris and ego making asses of yourselves. Congratulatuons. Well done.