1 min readNov 4, 2022


Just because men think they aren't being creepy, doesn't mean they don't appear that way to women based on a variety of factors, physical attributes not being one of them but how you look, meaning your presentation, definitely being one.

Over the years men have changed how they approach women in public. You do not come across as benign as you think you do. You dress like thugs. You never smile. You constantly look like you're about to erupt in anger and throw down. You're taciturn and unsocial. You lurk and hulk. You stare. You talk at instead of talk to.

Then there's the elevation of street harassment as well as the abdication of common public areas by the police to drugs. Thank you Reagan so much for that. And the Sacklers.

Maybe you men should stop acting so hard done by and "#NotAllMen" and realize that women don't feel safe around you anymore. This isn't some.mass hysteria effort to hurt men's feelings.

Women. Do.Not.Feel.Safe.Around.You.Anymore.

You can continue to tell women they're wrong for being concerned about their personal safety or you can start to address the very real problems and circumstances causing the concern. Your choice. But only one of them gets you to love, a relationship, and not being automatically suspect for existing in a male body.



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