John Calvin, an early protestant during the Reformation era and who wrote many theological papers that the modern church is based upon, was also guilty of such abuses. He gained access to a young girl by grooming her parents and then raped her. When she became pregnant and they demanded accountability he condemned her for her sin, whipped up a mob and had her killed. Via stoning, if I recall correctly.
It was a 16th century scandal that rocked the community when it came out he was the father and that the girl had been forced. It was one of several scandals that led to him being tarred, feathered, and whipped out of .... either Geneva or Stockholm.
So you're right, this is nothing new. But hey, his theories on predestiny are tantamount to salvation (if you're a Baptist) and God can smooth over any imperfections so long as we believe in Him (provided you survive the imperfections of all the power players of the faith).