2 min readFeb 4, 2022


I’ve read about these. Got to admit, it’s a dream of mine.

If I had a coupla-few million dollars I’d buy some land somewhere quiet and isolated and build such a village. I think such a place would be a good stepping stone for women fleeing domestic violence situations by having some houses where they could come stay rent free and get some solace and counseling. Learn some skills and rebuild self esteem. Get some schooling and an education they might not have had. I think the numbers who go back to the abuse would drop drastically.

For other women it could be a vacation from men. A place to come and just be for a few weeks or months. I think a lot of women would like to retire there. They’d be part of a community where they’re still valued and seen, even in old age. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a whole lot of women want to build their whole lives there either.

It would be a haven for female exvangelicals too. Looking for a place to escape being a brood mare for God.

Speaking of those African villages, I saw another article mentioning them recently. They were having a problem with men trying to gain access. Either to drag women back to be abused, curiosity, or because they were feeling a bit rapey and they thought a village of women was an easy target, the article didn’t say. They’ve had to start working shifts as guards so women can sleep at night because of these men.

They’ve killed a bunch of male intruders now. Trees lining the roads into the villages are filling up with the lynched/gibbeted bodies of men put on display as a deterrent to future intruders. Because men won’t leave women alone.

*I haven’t verified that story and it came off the internet, so grain of salt. But Damn. Crazy, yeah?



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