I've pushed forth several names of suitable leaders for promotion when asked. I always get tapped at work for certain things. Training, research, advice, problem solving, straightening someone out, etc.
None of the names I've put forth who weren't white were promoted. They would have been perfect.
Then, two of those times, who did get promoted was a white candidate who had been previously sent to me to get straightened out because they didn't understand their job, were disorganized, or not very bright.
That's who got those promotions.
Because they were "nice".
Further, I was specifically asked if I thought these two would be a good fit for the position they were being considered for. I specifically said it was a bad idea and made no bones about the reason why. No bones. If you've seen me around the comments, you know I'm, at times, brutal with my directness.
They got promoted around my recommendation and over my objection.
Cause they're so nice they'll be great for the team. Which if you spent any real length of time with these two just boggles the mind. I'm just saying.
Within a month there were a slew
of walkouts and neither one of them stayed in those positions more than 3 months before quitting themselves.
But people don't want to work. Laziness.
Yeah. That's it. 🙄