I've had both and no, I don't miss it. That comes down primarily to the onus of building it and maintaining it being ssolely my burden to bear, wwhich means it never comes easy and it's unequal participation.
Boredom and dissatisfaction become constant companions. It becomes just another grind and burden. A job. The dishes.
And I'm saying that without the significant orgasm gap most women experience. If I had to put a percentage on it, I'd say I orgasm with a partner 98% of the time. I have had a partner that I had a higher orgasm rate than him, significantly. He got his head torqued up around his own axle about it and it killed the relationship.
I've come to a point where I really wish I was a lesbian because then I might stand a chance of having what I most desire: reciprocity, mutuality, someone who shows up with the same energy and verve.
I've accepted that's not a real possibility and so my sexual satisfaction via self satisfaction had improved drastically.
No. I dont miss sex with men. At all. Like most celibates, it did not take long to find myself extremely glad to be done with them.