I've had 3 main worries since this thing first hit that I can't get people to consider. People tell me I'm nuts when I say 7 years is a hopeful estimate for how long were going to have to be watchful.
My first concern was the rapid rate of infection and that the spread was mostly invisible. That so many people would get sick so quickly that the healthcare system would collapse or run out of supplies and personnel to treat the sick. People would be sent home to survive or die continuing to spread the virus while they wait to see if they survive or not.
The second is that it would mutate quickly and become more either virulent or develop delayed pathology where we could see secondary affects from having had it years down the road because it attacks the nervous system and the vasculature. Think shingles, but getting something later in life like Parkinson's or CP if you had Covid.
The third has to do with animals. Coronaviruses are prevalent amongst animal populations too; most animals can get them. Some of our historically worst diseases came from otherwise low grade viruses jumping species into humans. For example, smallpox is believed to have come from horses. The reverse is also true, so the concern is two fold. That we dick around with this and then it gets into a livestock species and we have a food collapse as a result. We're already losing pork and rabbit to hemorrhagic fevers. Or, it jumps to Fido or Fluffy, mutates, and then jumps back to us as a new black death or smallpox.
7 years people, once this virus broke containment. 7 years at least. Doesn't mean we have to be on lockdown that while time. It means 7 years of reasonable caution, not taking stupid risks, or being flippantly optimistic. 7 years of watching for signs. At least... 7 years.