I’ve got an idea. If they want her to give up an honorific title she has rightfully earned to be First Lady why don’t they pay her for the position like the teaching position does?
The responsibilities and duties of the First Lady have increased over the years along with the increasing complexity of our society. These days it is as much a public and political position as any. Yet, for all the work that First Ladies do on behalf of the nation, it is still unpaid labor by virtue of being a wife. That’s unacceptable considering what being FLOTUS now requires.
Maybe that’s one thing Melania Trump did right. Treat the position with the same disdain the nation really does and not buy into the hype of honor and tradition around something you don’t really have much choice in. You become First Lady and get forced into the role and unpaid labor if your husband gets elected, regardless of whether you supported the run or wanted him to run in the first place.
If the position is such an honor, and so prestigious, shouldn’t the work of it be paid like any other honorable and prestigious position?
Otherwise don’t even attempt to dictate terms over something you’re getting for free.
Also, Dr. Biden has stated she intends to continue teaching where her title’s usage is on more professional grounds. It would not be suddenly more appropriate just because she’s married to Joe Biden. I’m not understanding the logic of her earned title suddenly being pretentious just because her husband was elected President either. What does the election have to do with her doctorate degree? If it’s such a problem now, why wasn’t it when brought up when he served as Vice President?
This was nothing but misogyny, pure and simple. Saying it’s about anything else is just gaslighting.