I've been called plenty of other hideous things.
There is no safety net for women. There's the legend and perception of one. The truth is you are never safe from attack by men. Any priviledge or grace shown you is at their leave and can and will be taken from you the minite they get moody.
I don't think gender dysphoria is a disease. I can't imagine. It must be excruciating. I don't have a problem with people swapping genders, meaning publicly. I really don't. I don't feel thrratened by transgenderism.
Zero problem with Transmen. Most Transwomen, zero problem.
I do have a problem with some Transwomen and it boils down to the same sort of problem I have with the Kartrashians and bimbos. Extreme performances of hyper femininity. Catering to the male gaze and what that does to the rest of us.
And like I said, these Transwomen thought being a woman was all about playing pretty princess and it shows. They're making it harder for the rest of you to be accepted as women. It's so over the top it registers as fake.
Haven't you wondered why it's only audacious Transwomen getting this particular heat? And to such a clearly heightened degree? It's because they're trying to blend in. Most of the time you don't even recognize a Transman as Trans unless he discloses. They just try to look like average guys.
Most average women do NOT want a hyoerfeminine standard to be set or required of them in order to be successful and thrive in life.
A huge part of the public's problem with Transwomen is the same thing Sinead O'Connor tried to warn Miley Cyrus about. But young women do not respect the wisdom of their elders because older women are invisible in our society. Scrubbed from mattering.
Be careful on that pedastel. It's easier to fall than you think.