I’ve already seen your about page. I check almost everyone’s about page if I engage with them. Again, I’m just not buying it.
I’m also not really looking to change your mind either Stephen. You’ve read a few bitter opinion diatribes against women and made up your mind. Didn’t matter that feminism wasn’t accurately portrayed or represented. You won’t hear opposing arguments with an open mind. As far as you’re concerned your opinions have already been validated. Okay. So be it.
I’m just hoping that challenging your conflated statements will help keep others from making your mistake.
For example, in your first comment, you made a point of proclaiming that this woman’s problem is a prime example of how feminists say they want equality but in reality they don’t. Blah blah blah.
In reality, there’s zero reason this woman’s comment about not tolerating an unnamed behavior if she had it to do over again had anything whatsoever to do with feminism. Nothing in the article stated the woman even claimed to be a feminist. Nothing. Do you think feminists are the only women who have bad dating experiences? They’re the only ones who ever break up? Look back on past relationships and wonder or wish they hadn’t let certain things slide to not be in conflict?
Come on.
Then there was this other nugget in the commentary. I can’t remember if this was you or the other guy, I’m thinking the other guy but you’ve done the same thing on other articles. It’s usually some kind of snide comment about claiming victimization after the fact with another side of blah blah blah.
But nowhere did she say she was a victim. She said she wouldn’t tolerate a certain unnamed behavior again. She was clear that she agreed to it at the time. She’s not saying she’s a victim. She didn’t allude to it, whine about it, rage about it or anything.
All she said was she wouldn’t put up with it again. That’s it.
This is an example of taking agency, not an example of someone falsely claiming they were victimized by a past relationship.
For someone who claims to want equality you sure do seize any and every opportunity to bash women and particularly feminists. Lots of times, as in this case, without a clear reason or case to do so. You just read your own grievances in where they don’t exist, which makes you no better than the women on social media you think stole feminism. Y’all are all peas of the same pod.
You’ve got no idea if this woman’s comments were based in her associating herself with feminism or not. You just assumed she was because she’s a woman… who made a comment… about a man she dated …and was unhappy with. So you lumped her in with what you’ve decided feminism is. Zero regard for what actual feminists say feminism is.
You say one thing. Your actions, time and time again, show something else. It is not what you claim.