It's pretty much the dame here. This grievance is a manosphere myth. Studies consistently show that men do not want custody, and when the donpursue custody they are overwhelmingly granted it here in the US.
If you look at the child support in arrears, and the numbers of divorced fathers who do not keep their visitation, etc, you see what's really up there. Most men resent being fathers. They want the title, respect, and prestige of being a father but not the burden, work, or responsibility of being one. They want the reward without the sacrifice of earning it.
This does not apply to my own father, so everyone incensed by that can just sit right down. I know it's not all men. Something happened within culture regarding manhood and this is where we are. There have always been what used to be called n'er do wells or shiftless men. It's never been this rampant to where it's a legit social problem.
I think for a lot of women, it's been a devastating shock when men began exposing themselves, where their head is at and what theyre thinking, on the internet. It's not pretty, gentlemen. It's not desireable at all.