It's not that men don't know. We've had tried and true methods forever.
Those methods did not involve harassing random women in public with entitled demands for attention.
No. Men know how to be. That's not it. They just want the instant gratification they get from computer games. They don't want to do the work. They don't want to build. They want to figure out the cheat code combo to make the magic pussy vending machines work. Listen to them long enough, sooner or later they (the internets grieveing lonely hearts club, #NotAllMen) all pretty much go there or a few other well worn places. That's why they're not really "nice guys" or mateable guys. Somewhere in there they have some kind of delusional thinking going on about how things should be. At it's core, that 'thing', whatever it is, is dehumanizing to women. Especially in and from certain communities.
Perhaps that's why they suddenly fear rejection so much. It forces them to confront that delusional thinking. I've often wondered. Men's hypersensitivity to rejection and insisting on becoming overwrought about it is something else that's changed over recent decades. I won't repeat the mathematical analysis or Edison comparison on that.