Its not about my emotions. It's about good faith. It's a mistake to continually attempt to have good faith discussions and hope for humanity maneuverings with those who have shown themselves to be psychopaths.
To be clear here, I'm not talking about MAGA, I'm specifically talking about Woodbury and the Woodbury situation alone.
Rick brought the townspeople in because they were innocent of and ignorant of the atrocities Phillip and his lieutenants, his bully henchmen, were committing.
That's the only reason they deserved any good faith or yay! humanity type of good will and meeting in the middle. They weren't a part of cold blooded, calculated, torture and murder.
Fast forward to round 2 with that 2nd group with Tara and her sister, after Woodbury fell. Same thing. They didn't know. They were lied to.
But they got a chance to see that Wood yet residents didn't, when he kidnapped Michonne and Hershel. When he executed Hershel, and make no mistake, that was a spite execution. Plain and simple.
Also shows that guys like that will not relent or stop, even after being defeated. They simply want you dead.
There is no good faith with those who wish you dead or those willing to murder you to appease or please such a leader.
You'll be dead.
Right now, MAGA is roughly where Tara was right before Hershel's beheading. They believe what they believe just as she did ("we have to do this") and they've heard some things and gone along with sime things and they're justifying it ("it's just talk, all for show") the same as Tara did ("it's just pretend, to make them be reasonable. We're not going to kill an old man who hasn't done anything. It's just a scare tactic.")
But sooner or later, things will come to a head because they always do. And then it won't be just talk.
Unlike Tara, MAGA already have evidence of murder and mayhem that they, like most of the 2nd, (the tank) group are choosing to ignore. Jan 6th, the attack on Mr. Pelosi (that was meant to be a political assassignation of Nancy Pelosi based off Trump rhetoric), Preachers preaching murder from the pulpit of evangelical mega churches to thunderous applause, constant dehumanizing 'othering' far right propaganda, build up of alt right militias, militia thoes bullying people at voting booths, attempts to run campaign buses from the other party off the highway, the murder in CA of that LGBTQ ally store owner.
I could go on. And on. And on.
Every one of these incidents is a Hershel being beheaded moment. Every one.
Tara had the sense to put her gun down and stop. Hide. By that point she couldn't stop it. She's the only one out of that group who survived.
Many conservatives ARE walking away. Finally. For them, like Tara, there can be good faith. You can extend the hand under the correct assumption that they love their children too.
And you know, under normal circumstances, I'd completely agree with you.
It's that psychopath though. That changes things. There is no good faith with a psychopath in the end. They will turn on you as soon as you are if no use to them. Every time. There's no loyalty (though they'll demand it or you), no integeity, no filial love, no compassion, no basic human decency towards your fellow man, even those who support you. There's just what they want and what you're willing to do to give/get them what they want.
And everyone else forced to defend themselves against you because you have become a threat to their life.
For those MAGA, they may love their children, but they love other things more, because they are willing to risk their children for those things.