2 min readMar 30, 2022


It's not about being the joke police or whatever.

It's not about excusing or justifying Smith's behavior. He messed up.

It’s not about not liking a particular comedian’s jokes. Comedians need to read the room and tone it down. Certain ones have been going too far for quite a now and have become belligerent over the fact that scores of people don’t find rape jokes, jokes about peoples' bodies, or shaming/roasting type jokes particularly funny.

And no, talking openly and publicly about something in a loving manner to educate and shed light is not agreeing to be publicly humiliated for it by tawdry comedians looking to make a cheap score and some money at your expense.

It’s about recognizing that while what Smith did was certainly not the best or smartest thing he could have done, it’s no worse than what Chris Rock did. Violence doesn’t always involve fists or bitch slaps. If you’re going to tar and feather one for conduct at least show enough integrity to hold them both equally to account. Otherwise, stay out of it.

Actually, as far as that goes the Academy deserves some tar and feathering here too. They’re responsible for the people they book and setting and holding said employees to a code of conduct. Just like any other job. Think about it. If this were a business would you allow an employee to harass or mock a client or customer for losing her hair without censure, reprimand, or firing? If you wanted to maintain a solid business reputation, you wouldn’t. If it were my business, especially a business that relied heavily on reputation, I would have fired him on the spot, even if the position I hired him to was a clown/mime/showman/comedian/entertainer because it sullies the business.

I’m just saying it’s not right or fair that Smith shoulder ALL the condemnation here. His whole family has been under increasingly nasty scrutiny for years now, including from Chris Rock. It’s really not that fine a line between telling a joke, even an offhand one, and just harassing, being a bully, or a plain old jackass. Hiding behind a veil of humor doesn’t change that fact.

How much public humiliation and scorn can you take before you strike back? Because I guarantee you that family has already weathered much more than what most of us could take.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.



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