It's interesting that the male aggrieved little sock muppet narrative is that women are gatekeeping sex because they don't want to die, and more specifically, they don't want to die THAT way, but these same men fail to realize how they just gatekept themselves by voting to make pregnancy more deadly to women, and in the way that it is. And then all the gloating about it. You think that makes men more or less sexually desireable?
I don't know what more else you want me to say. I already commented on this, pretty succinctly.
And just so we're clear, its not like thare aren't aggrieved little sock muppet women. There are. Somewhere south of 44%, to be non-exact. They'll be the ones bitching and moaning about how unfair it is they didnt get an abortion exception for whatever reason they needed a abortion for because unlike other women, they're not baby murdering sluts, or worse, liberals. Theyll be the ones crying to Jeebus because he let their baby die having a baby when they were so faithful. They punished those godless Jezebels just like commanded so why is their baby now dead while their dear righteous husband is now spending all his time and money with his other child he had with tbat whore from church who's younger and prettier while she's sitting home alone, crying in her cornflakes. Why, oh why, did Jeebus abandon them? Why are they being punished?!? They were faithful.
It's because those are the natural consequemces of what she voted for. It's not a punishment from God or anyone else either.
I don't have any sympathy for them either. It's still grievance thinking. Selfish and self absorbed. Its not that I want revenge or think they deseve to suffer or ay of that bullshit. We're past that now. Sure, I'm angry, but I don't have the meeeallor emotional bandwidth for them anymore. What bandwidth I do have, I will reserve my compassion and empathy for those who didn't vote like a fucktard, who didn't ask for this yet will suffer too because of those who did and not for thr aggrieved little sock muppets of either gender who willfully, gleefully, and spitefully cut their own noses and dicks off out of that spite.
They can enjoy their prize.
The rest of us are too busy preparing to hunker down as best we can to weather what's coming next. We can't concern ourselves with their perpetual grievance whinging. These folks will always whinge. If it wasnt this, it would be something else, some other bullshit ridiculousness off a meme or about a 'chad' or a 'stacey' or whatthefuckever. Doesn't matter.