It’s both. Tinder allowed the sandbox to degrade to the point it has. It didn’t.have to be that way. They chose to not monitor what was going on with longevity of the business in mind, much less how women would feel about and ultimately respond to all the abuse.
All they cared about was profits.
They could have established a decent monitoring system and started banning and de-platforming these men. In some cases they could have facilitated class action lawsuits against these idiots.
They chose to do nothing.
It’s not their fault that men act the way they do. But it’s partially their fault and definitely their responsibility, in the same way it’s everyone’s fault and responsibility across all aspects of society that these men have gotten so far out of hand with no response, no push back, and no accountability other than women politely asking men to stop and then ranting about the constant harassment and mistreatment when they don’t.
So yeah, it’s well past time to up the ante. If their billion dollar business fails because of it, so fucking what. Tinder didn’t care about the harm women endured due to their negligence and callousness, they’ve no right to expect women to give a rat’s ass about men’s butt hurt feelings or Tinder’s lost stock value, failed business, and bankruptcy. Boo fucking hoo. Cry me a river, Tinder.