It's another day that ends in y over here. It's considered enterprising. Persistent. Shooting your shot. But only by men. By women it's considered creepy. Annoying. Pesky. Scary.
PUA culture has ruined men in my humble opinion. Even if you're not walking around terrified of being assalted or killed, it's made them abject pests.
Wouldn't know about home work as we have a maintenance crew since I live in an apt and when I had a house, I did that stuff myself. I have been approached by dudes at places like Home Depo or Lowe's pretending to work there and trying to offer me assistance. It quickly becomes obvious they dont know the difference between a door hinge and a toilet flapper. It's fucking embarassing. For them.
I've heard enough stories though. I've gotten that kind of treatment with car repair or maintenance from time to time too.
And grocery baggers. Back when they were more of a thing.
I remember my mom and my aunties used to dread gas station attendants. But that hasn't been a thing in a good long while.
Yeah, we could use some more reserve over here. For sure.