It's a weird dichotomy for sure.
Let's put it like this, I could write two articles. One could be titled something like, I Love Being a Mom: How Motherhood Created Me or maybe Everything I Need To Know About Life I Learned Through Motherhood. In this article I could gush about the joys of motherhood and how great it all is. Right? And it would totally true.
But it wouldn't be completely true.
Because I could write another article titled something like Mama Ate The Wing or maybe I Hate Being A Mom and It's All Your Fault: How Societal Expectations Makes Motherhood An Absolute Abyss of Neglect and Despair. In this article, I could rant and rave about the burden of it, the manipulations, the gaslighting, the loneliness, how nothing is ever good enough, the constant criticism and judgement, and so forth and so on.
And it would be totally true too.
Hell, they could each be their own series done in tandem straight out of my own diary.