It's a false hope because it's based on illogical thinking.
Those apps are businesses. Most also have stock holders. The purpose of every business is to make money. And since these apps work like games, they don't make money if you stop playing.
So there's always a new carrot dangled in front of you, right? Only that carrot is an illusion. It isn't real.
You know, people get struck by lightening too. But you don't expect that to happen on a normal day or to a large percentage of the population.
People win the lottery too. But most people spend far more on buying tickets than they do winning. Also, winning the the lottery leads to bankruptcy and ruined lives a not insignificant amount of the time.
So you see, this thinking that leads men to continue trying somethinf that is clearly failing them is reductive, obsessive, and illogical.
Then, to turn around and blame women for those illogical choices women are not forcing you men to make is absurd and explains why women are not acceoting the narrative that all's priblems stem from us women won't give "nice guys" a chance.
Get off those apps. Like you said in your essay, which coincidentally is EXACTLY what we've been saying, get out and generally socialize without that mental ticker in your head that rates every single interaction as a success or failure based on whether or not you get a date from a woman you JUST walked up on in public and who doesn't know you from Adam (a large part of attraction is familiarity, you know), work on building a full life, reconnect with old friends from school, family, get involvee in hobbies and the community, and be patient and pay attention to what's going on around you.