It seems to be a 50/50 split. You just rarely hear from the rest of us because we've got better things to do than sit on Facebook on mom groups shaming people.
Like, when my kid was around 5 we'd go out pirate gardening for wildlife. Otherwise, I was working. As an infant, I did breast feed her exclusively for 6 months. I also worked my ass off years before she was born to be able to stay home and do so. 80 to 90 hr work weeks for 3 years.
I can confirm it's hard for working women to have that ability. So, it's a privilege. I never shamed anyone for using formula. And I would have used formula if I had needed to with no guilt or shame.
Those groups you see are bored upper middle class and religious moms living in luxury and situations that are not the norm. They are not representative of most Americans.
Frankly, when my kid was young, they were a constant bur in my saddle and I avoided them like the plague. Their octopus handed husbands too.
Otherwise, we had a nice quiet life, kept to ourselves, spent a lot of time at play parks, riding bicycles, skating, hiking, crafting, gardening, training hamsters to roll over and play dead, stuff like that. A normal life, much like anywhere else in the world.
Life is too short to waste on Facebook. Those early childhood years go by real quick.