May 30, 2024


It might not be new to you men, but it's new to us women. At least the prevalence of it.

The internet and social media has really exposed the unguarded, non-performing minds of men to women as never before.

And for the majority of women, that's been a real kick in the pants.

No. We had no idea how much men hated us. The depths and the levels of it.

Men seem to think we all just collectively woke up on the worst period ever and in a psychotic group snit one day....just cause.

No. The internet shattered the rise colored glasses we saw y'all through and blasted the bloom off all the Rosa androphilia (I can't italicize in comments either).

That's what happened.

I'm out of time again. I'm at work. I'll pick this back up in a bit.



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