3 min readJan 26, 2023


It is. There's plenty of documentation out there. It's actually weird. I can't square it.

Let's face it. Transpeople aren't a significant portion of the population, so none of us personally know large swaths of Transpeople. But for those of us who do know they are, how they represent themselves, how they converse, what they believe, etc just does not jive with the much of what we see from Trans presenting people online.

So who are these jerks claiming to be Transwomen (and it's almost always "Transwomen" who say they're a woman in their head but are acting very distinctly (cause that's hard to miss for any AFAB woman) like your typical raging hey-dude-lighten-up-on-the-'roids crazy violent, gaslighting man.

Which brings us to the bathroom. First let me say that Rowling is not banning Transpeople from bathrooms. She doesn't have that power as she does not hold a political seat. She expressed some concern and then got mauled online by Trans misogynists (oh the irony). And the whole thing devolved from there.

Secondly, as a woman, AFAB, I see her point. Even with having two Transwomen in my life, one a neighbor who I consider a friend and another who took her own life that I worked with. I care/cared about both of them. I shared the proverbial bathroom with one of them. It wasn't a big deal. She came in, did her business, minded her business....just like everyone else. No sweat. Wasn't a problem.

I didn't even realize she WAS a Transwomen till I had known and worked with her for about a month.

But I don't want to share a bathroom with some of these "Transwomen" I see online. And again, to be clear...I'm putting "Transwomen" in quotes because I can't square their behavior to what I have observed from Transwomen in real life. As a result, I question their authenticity. I have to. I can't confirm that they are who they say they are. For all practical purposes, they're just an avatar on the internet with a chaos agenda as far as the average person can tell.

Anyway, why would any sane, rational woman, AFAB, want to share a bathroom with someone who jumps to violence so quickly? Who has dehumanized them by trying to erase womanhood and referring to women with gender slurs like "bleeders" and "uterus bearers" , in a place where you're so exposed? One of the few places where you have some peace as a woman? Where you're not under threat of misogynistic hate for two fucking minutes? Especially considering that Transwomen have been using women's bathrooms for a while now and most of the time no one even noticed. Transpeople didn't just spring into existence to start this debate. They've been around for a while. Using bathrooms everywhere.

This vitriol has brought out some of the worst behavior in us AFAB women too. People hardly noticed before, but they do now. Some women are getting territorial. There are starting to be reports of women harassing other women in the bathroom, even arguably masculine presenting (meaning short hair, jeans and tshirts no makeup but who do not identify as Trans or even LGBTQ+.)

It's interesting too, that amongst Transmen, you don't see this unhinged, radical behavior by and large. They're out there too...chronicallying their experiences, trying to educate and make connections with people. Looking to be recognized as who they are and carve out some space peacefully for themselves and others like them. Transmen are doing the most good for the Trans image.

Now why do you suppose all that is?



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