It comes down to this for me. Outlawing abortion will not stop me from getting one if I feel I need it or getting one for my daughter. That's our choice. I don't give a rat's ass what the law is. I will not be moralized to by sexual predators just because they're wearing black robes or sit in Congress.
It's the bounty laws that force the issue of "distancing". Since we've already established that I'm going to do what I need to do should it become required, I don't want anyone in my life who would give me or my daughter up or cause us further harm.
We already know that there are those who will do so, even while you lay dying, because it's already happened to that Transkid who tried to kill themselves. Half the hospital staff rushed to save the kid's life, half rushed for the phones for the chance at some vacation money.
Maybe it's not so much liberals being high minded as it is recognizing conservatives have already created the divide.
Here's what it is. If you saw a pack of young men beating a gay kid to death or gang raping a lesbian (you know, to "correct" her), would you cheer and maybe place bets, would you shrug and look away, or would you intervene? Would you try to save their life?
That's where we are. Hours before Kristallnacht.
What are you going to do when they come in the dead of night?