It always aggravates me how fundamentalists get on their high horse telling everyone else how to live their lives yet they never seem to have read their own Holy Book.
Semantics and fine points often apply.
For example, it’s true that the Bible says divorce is a sin. Mostly because the vows are more a promise to God than a promise to your partner, theologically speaking. It is NOT true that one is required to continue cohabiting with an abusive partner. There are several couples mentioned in the Bible who lived separately. Some of which were specifically due to abuse, as I recall. There are plenty of other divine doctrines that back up the practice of living separately if you can’t live peacefully together. Such as, ‘your body is a temple....’ How are you treating your body like a temple if you keep it in a demolition zone?
Further, as I recall, the vows state, "I promise to love, honor, and cherish...." Do you have a sound notion of what the word cherish means if you beat and punch your partner? I don’t think so.
So, a man who has abused his wife had already broken his promise to God, nullifying the contract obligation for her. I guess if you really just want to stay married to honor God after that, you can but good grief, attach a rider clause.... "God, I promised to love, honor, and cherish dear hubby, WrecHer Ralph for as long as I live...and I will. From afar. Very, very far. The further the better. Amen.”
“p.s. Can you help me out with that distance thing?”