Is it? I don't blame "all men" because some are jackasses and lecherous fiends.
Some men are great. A real credit to their gender. A real credit to humanity.
That would be like blaming my father or my grandfathers because I had a bad boyfriend once upon a yesteryear.
I don't blame all men for the bad behavior of a few men, whether they're sociopaths or acting out their own trauma.
I would blame them if they gaslighted me about the situation we find ourselves in with a hyper sexualized populace and the shift in thinking that men are owed sex. I would blame them if they were belligerent that it wasn't real and happening. If they denied we live in a rape culture.
But they don't do that. They don't always agree with me, but they don't gaslight me either. And they have ALWAYS held up their end of our relationships and not blamed me for the bad behavior of men either.