Interesting thing here is that when Trump was president there were a lot of comparisons to Hitler, Nazi Germany, or fascism of the time. The GOP howled about it.
Most of those comparisons came from liberal populace, liberal pundits, liberal media, etc. I don't recall many Democrats making such statements, except with regard to the children being put in cages being like Concentration camps. I do recall whenever something was said by a politician, them being very careful with their wording in drawing those parallels.
While often blown up or hyperbolic, they were not inaccurate comparisons. Nobody wants another Holocaust.
But, nobody said Trump WAS Hitler.
So, it's interesting both that liberals seem to have forgotten a lot of their own rhetoric and are now, more or less, howling about the same thing and that given the histrionics conservatives displayed when GOP/MAGA policy was paralleled with Hitler and Weimer Germany they are now a hall full of crickets when one of their political underlings takes it even further.
So I guess that's a hard NO on the President's request to diffuse to diffuse tension in politics.
Careful what you wish for Marjorie. You're not the only one with a sniper rifle. Also you're still a girl. You'll be the first one either sacrificed or thrown under the bus to protect the big dogs. Sooner or later, men like your masters always throw away the girls.