Individuals seek congruence and when the distance between the perceived self and ideal self is too far it is called incongruence and it can lead to discomfort, anxiety, stress, and frustration. Because of the contradictions, right?
So, the world according to Thanos is that women are becoming more masculine because of competition for father figures which is bad. Women should be/must be feminine as defined by men. However, it's okay and even advantageous for men to have feminine traits, even in significant amounts, like him, so long as they don't push the masculine within themselves away. Like simps.
Uh huh.
And aren't these same men ALSO searching for lost father figures? Didn't those same men who abandoned all those girls to the ravages of masculinity (rofl) also abandon their brothers? The boys?
Is not the long standing argument of why fathers are so important in their children's lives so that the boys can learn to be men because we learn our behavioral cues from our same gender/sex parent?
Doesn't it seems odd then, when the father is gone, the daughter becomes less feminine, even though there's now no masculinity energy in the house to influence her; she's getting a full feminine blast/dose but it's turning her into a man? Isn't that weird considering the same phenomenon is what supposedly makes mofern young men unduly feminine. Which is okay, but not?
I'm not sure who he thinks the daughter is competing against for a father figure, but assuming it's the brother (valid assumption) ...that means girls are outcompeting boys in the quest for "Masculinity". Without even trying. As a side effect of looking for a father figure. Thanos seems to be suggesting here that males were destined to become failures as "Men". LOL. I mean, come on. If you're being out manned by a girl who's not even looking to be masculine or even cares about such ridiculousness then what does that say about "Masculinity"? Kinda says it's not that hard to find, don't you think? I mean if people are just tripping over it going about their lives, maybe you men aren't looking in the right place. Food for thought.
And that double standard.!!! Always the double standard, am I right?
Maybe young men should chase after Crones, looking for a Mother figure so they'll accidentally stumble across some Masculinity as a side effect. Who knows? Apparently stranger things are completely believeable to the manosphere.
Thanos is always good for a laugh. He's a master at meaningless, illogical, incongruous, word salad mumbo jumbo of perceived self importance. Lawd!!