In most cases, people realize that this is just the inevitable outcome of inciting violence with a constant stream of hate rhetoric.
People have been talking about the rise of gun violence, men's mental health, sensible gun legislation forever and a day. Since Columbine.
We, the people, got thoughts and prayers.
There's nothing new here. This is how the rest of us live now. Any one of us can be shot dead or attacked at any moment by some deranged lunatic who got lost in a rabbit hole.
But, free speech, right? That had to be protected at all costs and with no meaningful bounds of sensibility.
I keep saying it. What gets normalized for others, will eventually land on your own doorstep if you're not careful.
Suck it up Donald. You have my thoughts and prayers but we can't hold actually anyone accountable. You know that. Look how you've benefitted from that.