Dec 29, 2020


I’m thinking hiring should be blind. No names, no racial or gender markers, etc, at least at the algorithm level prior to interviews.

If it’s not, you have a case for discrimination. A few class action lawsuits may help fix that.

You’d have to prove it. Subpoena the algorithm code. Any business that uses an algorithm to exclude any protected group is breaking federal law against discrimination. Whether they bought the code or developed it in house.

The code doesn’t and can’t lie about it’s intent. Computers only follow instructions. That makes it easier to prove legally, unlike the aspect where humans are involved and can reason/explain it away with ambiguity. Prove a corporate culture of discrimination first though, then they’ve lost the high ground and credibility. You can force more change.

Ultimately, you’ve got to affect their bottom line, one way or another.



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