Oct 20, 2020


I’m pretty sure she meant that sarcastically. She was highlighting the overkill response. I think we can all agree most of us want more equity all around. Even white women. Some of these remarks in the general commentary really show how much people could stand to walk a mile in another’s shoes.

Being a white woman is not the rosy existence most POC seem to imagine. It’s a meat grinder, actually, of being trapped between being a victimized by gender bias and stifled by social expectations, and dealing with unpacking racism or apologizing and mitigating against those who have chosen to be a perpetrator of it.

It’s presumptuous to assume otherwise. There are all kinds of oppressions, bias, and violence. White women have their share too. It shouldn’t be an issue of who has it worse and why. One type of suffering does not negate another. We all have to deal with what we have to deal with. We shouldn’t be tearing each other down with one upmanship of pain and bias. The animosity doesn’t end it for any of us and just adds one more thing to be worked through.



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