I’m okay with defund the police if by that you mean demilitarize the police. If by that you mean divest funds to community programs that will reduce crime and alleviate conditions that lead to crime. If by that you mean the police are responsible for being police and not social workers, etc. If by that you mean training so that shoot to kill is not the first response to a tense situation.
It needs to happen. Granted, it was poor messaging because people take it to mean get rid of police. I don’t think anyone wants no police. Also, it messages as an immediate complete action which would be chaos.
The divestment should be over time, you decrease funds to police while you increase funds to community programs in steps and let things acclimate. Step by step.
Further, the police are paid for by our tax dollars. Therefore, communities should have a say in how that money is spent above police unions. Police Union involvement here is clearly corrupting the purpose of that tax purse.
Lastly, it doesn’t sit well with me that my hard earned dollars are spent so some Billy Bob Yahoo who has no business in the job can harass, intimidate, and shoot/kill my neighbors for no damn reason with impunity.
It really shouldn’t sit well with you either.