2 min readJul 20, 2022


I’m not sure what point you think you’re making here.

Ruining what?

Men accused of being aggressive aren’t coming up to women and "saying hi" and then going about their business. They’re making unwanted sexual overtures and being rejected. Soundly.

So I’ll ask again, what’s being "ruined"?

Nobody is preventing men from making a play, because women are still getting hit on and harassed in the street inappropriately every damn day.

So nothing is being "ruined" for you men. Us women talking about how creepy it is on the internet hasn’t magically tanked your success rates.

That tactic has always been ill received. It’s never been successful. It’s never been wanted or desired overall. It’s always been gross and disgusting.

You men just know it now because now you’re hearing conversations that previously took place in ladies' restrooms, on the phone between friends, or in diaries.

You’ve been deluding yourselves and you can’t anymore because nothing is hidden on the internet.

My grandmother’s diary has entries about a man "just saying hi" but in reality being a creep. So does my great great grandmother’s.

The only thing new here is that for whatever reason a lot of you men have convinced yourselves that you are owed acceptance of all sexual overtures and that you should make them toward anyone you deem the slightest bit attractive or desperation reaches a certain mark because in the end it’s a number’s game.

But nobody owes you sexual gratification. You’ve never been owed sexual gratification. If men have the right to make the overture whether it’s wanted or not then women have the right to reject it whether men want the rejection or not.

Quite frankly, you’ve never had it so easy. Certainly easier than my grandfather or my great great grandfather because of the availability and access to birth control. Plus all that secret insight to how women view your overtures right there at your fingertips so you can adjust your approach. I’m thinking many a man would have killed for such an advantage back in the day. They had to convince someone to marry them first, which usually meant a significant amount of time invested before they could even hold hands, kiss, or be alone with a girl.

Some of you do take advantage of what technology has offeree you. Others, unfortunately, whine and whimper like a bunch of punk ass delinquent children because your cereal box didn’t give up it’s toy surprise.

Give me a fucking break.

Grow up and learn some social skills.

Stop treating courtship like trick-or-treating. No woman is obliged to give you candy because you knocked on her door and scream "DAMN GIRL, YOU FINE!" in her face, or what you’re referring to as an innocent 'hi’.

You’re “ruining it" for yourselves out of lazy, entitled stupidity.



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