I'm not saying there's anything wrong with makeup. I'm saying being a woman is not a feminine performance. And it's not. You don't have to perform femininity to some abstract standard set by ... whom? .... to be a woman. It's also not a reciprocal statement meaning that as a woman of whatever iteration of womanhood you identidy with you can't perform femininity, even as a chosen deliberate expression of your womanhood. Key words there: chosen, expression, and your.
To me, a big part of the problem is ambiguity in language. We're using the same word for too many things.
Masculinity and femininity are particularly persnickety as they can refer to behavior, presentstion, spirituality, spiritual gifts, perception of self, perception from others, abstractual constructs of personalities, biology, brains, feelings, hormones, mythology, historical context, and so forth and so on.
Again it is no small wonder.