I'm not quite sure how to take your comment.
For the broader audience, I'm going to assume you're not meaning to be insulting to point out a context point.
It doesn't matter why these guys are doing what they're doing, not to the person they're doing it to. What they're doing doing is a low level form of verbal assault.
Compare that to the guy who was going around punching random women in the face in NYC. Should any of them give a rat's ass why they got assaulted? Their reaction, appropriately, is to having been assaulted. It would be considered bad form to go to these women after being targeted for dehumanization and telling them not to take it personally.
They're already not taking it personally. They're just reacting appropriately to having been assaulted.
You also wouldn't dump corrective measures to deal with that man on these women. You wouldn't require them to be a balm for whatever bug crawled up his butt. It's not the assaultee's job to make things better for the assaulter, or to sacrifice themselves as some sort of societal whipping girl expected to absorb his violence just so that everyone else can go about their lives unmolested, and not have to deal with male violence and aggression.
Indeed, the guy got arrested and bailed off for a nice quiet lie down in a local jail cell. Tvis is what we expect to happen.
That expected dynamic true of male violence and aggression of any caliber or form. I'm not saying every guy needs to be hauled off to jail for bad pick up lines; I'm saying we dont expect the assaultee to deal with these guys alone. It requires group effort and generally separating them from their target.
Even "dating strategies" that are designed to dehumanize and degrade as a form of manipulation or preemptive balm from being rejected.
I noticed that nowhere on your comment was there any expression of telling the guy to not take it personally if and when he gets rejected. Or pointing out that when you treat women like that, they're GOING TO REJECT YOU. You're actually premptively guaranteeing you will be rejected or used.
Turns out, being treated as less than humans is not as much fun as you boys think it is for us women. It's only fun for you.
So no. Generally speaking, when these verbal assaults dressed up like courtship rituals take place, women don't take them personally. Just because you react to an assault, verbal or physical, appropriately for an assault, doesn't mean you're taking it personally. It means you're reacting to having been assaulted. Dehumanization is a form of (usually minor) verbal assault.
What we do take personally, is the societal gaslighting after the fact. Why? Because it is personal. When an injured party, no matter how sleight the injury, is made to be responsible for the assaulter's behavior and society at large is more interested in requiring the injured party to make some kind of amends to the injuring party based off their feelings and fears over objective reality, then in what universe is that not personal?
It's very personal. It's degradation all over again when someone who is causing drama and is destructive because they can't handle their feels is chosen for compassion and outreach over the ones that they have injured. It's a choice. Choices are personal.
The violence and aggression is both validated and condoned.
The very appropriate response to having been assaulted is shamed and dismissed.
You presented a master class in how that works.