I’m not convinced they’re protective of white women either. Mostly they just do the paperwork and clean up the mess when something does actually happen to you. As evidenced by the abysmal treatment of women who report rape or sexual harassment. Try getting a restraining order against someone you dated minimally and is now stalking you. See how quickly you get gaslit. Then if the worst does happen to you it’ll be the usual cycle of pain porn on the 6 o’clock news. Such a tragedy.
It’s a meat grinder. I see both points. It’s also true that if you call the police as a white woman on a white man for harassment, they’ll come — eventually — after they’ve stopped for donuts (**sigh** another hysterical female losing her damn mind. So sad.) You call on a POC, they’re there in 3 minutes.
It’s pretty telling, that distinction. Regardless of the motives of the woman, the police choose to respond how they respond. They’ve already made up their mind. They’re not getting the same kind of hate for that as white women though. I’m hearing plenty of “we still need law enforcement though, we just need to reform or demilitarize”. Not really hearing a while lot of “as appalling as these women were, their behavior is not representative of all white women, all women, or all white people” I am hearing a lot of “All white women are Karens.” People, you gotta know what a slippery slope that is. We’ve been here before.
Yes, there are plenty of racists who happen to be female using a racist state agency to harass. There are as many or more truly fear-stricken women calling for help because they’re being harassed.
I think white women in general need to spend some time evaluating where, when, and why they feel threatened. Take steps to recognize and mitigate threshold events. PTSD, basically. The constant harassment warps your perception in both subtle and bizarre ways.
I think white women understand this and need to be more aware that the same thing happens to POC. Don’t let yourself be used and if you see someone else doing it, stand against it.
Women in general need to be more proactive when it comes to our safety and minimizing threats on all fronts to us rather than looking for protection from someone bigger or the state. We should develop and use any and all resources necessary. If we keep asking for it (protection), we’ll be begging forever. And those men will still treat us like prey, thumping their chests the whole while like that’s the natural order of things.
For what it’s worth, that’s my two cents. Thanks for your time.