1 min readMar 28, 2022


I’m not contradicting myself because I never said it didn’t occur. I said it was rare. And it is.

It still comes back down to straight numbers and yes, continuing to "highlight" rare occurrences while conveniently ignoring the much greater occurrence as though that is not the greater issue is creating a false narrative. It’s like making a fuss over a small crack in a dam while ignoring the big gaping hole where all the water is running out and rushing to drown a village.

Doesn’t mean the crack doesn’t exist and will need attention. It means your priorities are off and you need to focus on the more immediate problem.

Male violence.

Your “approach" not only ignores the real problem men have with abuse, it undermines everyone else who has problems with male violence.

And yes. You’re coddling and excusing bullshit male behavior. This isn’t some grand battle strategy to conquer the enemy of male cowardice because again, they’re doing this on the regular rather than facing the inevitable like women have had to do and start having these conversations regardless. Societal scorn is tough but you don’t make change without facing it down and you cannot do that for them. They’re just going to have to dig deep and find the courage that every woman who posted a MeToo, every Transperson, every LGBTQ+, and every BIPOC person has find within themselves.



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