I’m kind of with you on this and kind of not. Women do rape but it is extremely rare comparatively. Most women rapists rape other women with an object.
So the entire argument being that one isn’t really supporting Transpersons if they have a mental snag over calling a proclaimed Transwomen who has raped someone using their penis just doesn’t fly for me. I can’t get there.
You know what? It said person had used a broom handle, pipe, etc to commit the rape then yeah, absolutely. You have a Transwomen who raped another woman. They raped as a woman.
But that’s not what happened. They used their penis. They raped as a man. So I seems natural to me for ANY rational person get hit with that mental snag where you’re like, "hey wait a second.” Is the rapist a Transwoman or a man pretending to be Trans? Is this a man who self loathes because of some trauma and due to experiencing confusion as a result of that he believes he is Trans but resolving that trauma would enable him to accept and prefer life as man? (I’m kind of thinking of the character Buffalo Bill here - don’t get too hung up on the serial killer portion of that). Is the whole mental aspect of being a Transperson more fluid than what is being spoken and written about? I’m not Trans, how would I know? I do know that if you say your brain is female and you have a woman’s brain trapped inside a man’s body then I would expect you to act like a woman. It’s not like women rapists can’t use a penis to rape. It would be a strap-on dildo, but still, the option is there except in cases of rape by opportunity. So are we saying that women rapists are ONLY rapists of opportunity because that doesn’t quite fly either. ... I could go on.
It’s natural to have questions when theory and experience don’t line up. It’s clearly not as cut and dried as both sides of this argument make it out to be. It’s prudent to work these issues out BEFORE making legislative changes that could cause irreparable harm and cost millions. It’s wise to listen to all sides with open and honest intent and a fair mind and to present your own arguments in the same manner.
This got long, sorry.