2 min readJul 31, 2022


I'm just going to refer you back to MarnitaSpeaks' comment.

Western feminism is a product of western culture.

Other cultures have their own brands and versions of feminist thought. There are similarities, sure, but each is different. Their version of feminism is a product of their cultures.

All feminist movements borrow heavily and learn from each other. That doesn't mean that they're not legitimately theirs.

It means that wherever you go in the world, folks seem to divide into two types of thinking: Authoritarians, who believe telling others how to live their lives is a swell idea for stability and Libertarians, who believe that for greatest widespread general well-being people should be free to make their own choices in life. This is not a male/female divide. It's just how people tend to think.

No one anywhere who thinks libertarian wants to be under the boot. It's unnatural to them. They will always chafe against it. That's got nothing to do with Western culture. It happens the world over.

Authoritarian thinkers may not like being under the boot, but they accept it as natural because deep down they believe it's okay. They hope to be the one wearing the boot one day or they feel protected by it. It generally comes back to that idea of stability, with everyone in their place. That exists in all cultures too, even egalitarian countries have their share of citizens who prefer authoritarianism. It's usually tied to religion. In those cultures, every so often you have a push toward authoritarianism.

Feminism doesn't cause this dynamic. It just chooses a side on behalf of everyone under the boot, whether that's the Western version or any other cultural version now or historically.

You've got to know that a lot of what you said about Indigenous cultures is tone deaf, poorly thought out, degrading, and insulting, especially that bit about residential schools. That was really beyond the pale. You disrespect the survivors and their families with your words.

You should listen to MarnitaSpeaks. Really listen to her words. You could learn a lot from her if you could set your misogyny aside enough to not dismiss her out of hand. You'd be a better thinker and a better writer for it.



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