I'm going to weigh in here because I did not vote for Hillary Clinton, though obviously I cannot speak for all women.
I also did not vote for Trump. I voted for a third party candidate that year.
Here's why. I actually tried to vote for Clinton but my conscious was screaming at me not to. I couldn't do it. I did vote for a woman because I would love to see a woman in the big chair.
Trump is an obvious misogynist. Loud and in your face obnoxious misogynist. So everyone knows what he is.
Clinton is also a misogynist, despite all her work for women. Her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky proved that in the end she would happily throw other women under the bus to preserve herself and a male who provides her power and status. She was a key figure in destroying and maligning that young woman to protect a lying, cheating spouse.
Now, understand I'm not defending Lewinsky. I'm saying two wrongs don't make a right. Affairs happen and they're no one's business but the people involved. Ken Star should have been tarred and feathered for that and Congress should never have gone along with that nonsense.
It's just that, as a woman, you can never trust another woman who blames 'the other woman' to protect a philandering spouse and does not hold him to account for his cheating.
Because shes the bitch who will sabotage you at work, point fingers at you to elevate herself or deflect attention from her own actions, gossip about you behind your back, slut shame you, and so forth and so on. She will tear you to shreds to avoid dealing with reality and to protect that man. She might talk a good game about women and solidarity, blah blah blah but in the end, she'll throw you under the bus every time for her own self interests. Every. Time.
We don’t need a woman like that in the oval office any more than we need a man like Trump. Honest to God, has there ever been a worse choice of candidates to vote for, as a woman? I don’t think so.
I honestly thought she would win, regardless. But, on the outside chance that Trump won, at least everyone knew what he was. No one could be blindsided by empty rhetoric because he is so on your face with his contempt for women.
With Clinton, people don’t see that she’s just as bad, they have sympathy for her as the cheated upon spouse. So do I, actually. She deserved better, we all do. I feel for the pressure she was under during that time.
But in all the years since, she’s never expressed an ounce of regret or second thoughts about how she participated in shredding a naive young woman for her own benefit. It’s clear when she’s asked about it, she still blames Lewinsky entirely for the affair.
But not Bill. Nope.
It just doesn’t sit well.