Sep 22, 2021


I'm currently in the middle of it with a troll and an apologist myself. I've blocked a couple of people from following me because I suspected they were career trolls and one other person for slanderous diatribes.

I don't even write that much on this platform. I'm mostly a reader and commenter here. So all of this current situation has come about as a result of me respectfully disagreeing, though pointed and not candy coated, with someone else's article.

The troll is nuts. I like that other commenter's (on your article) terminology, advanced tactical troll. He's that alright. Playing his own sympathy card, whining about being treated badly and not being listened to, etc. No stone spared, and all thrown at you as a congealed lump of stupid.

Welcome to whack a troll Tuesday. Don't forget your flack jacket.

I really liked your article.



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