I'm basing my entire article off @ArgumentativePenguin's article who was responding to many articles written about the relationship graph someone made about Leonardo Di Caprio and whether or not he was a sexual predator. The brain development argument was one bullet point out of many. It was the thing that Penguin took the most umbrage with, but it was not the focus of my article, merely the first bullet point.
As to whether or not it's a social construct or not is irrelevant to the subject at hand. It could be and interesting subject as its own discussion, but for this article, it's arguing semantics. I do encourage you to write an article about it though, if you feel that passionately about it. I'd read it.
I disagree that it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint for younger brains to be less risk adverse. Evolutionarily speaking, the genes that lead to increased survivability until they can be passed on are the ones that evolution will favor. Taking risks will inherently decrease one's fecundity. I believe experience is the dominant factor here.
As far as the establishment of legal ages go, government exists so that we can coexist together. There has to be some set of basic rules for social animals to conduct themselves otherwise the group dynamic will disintegrate. Without an age of majority, a 6-year-old can be sent to war or forced into work or servitude. You cannot protect your family from a mob. The only protection is an agreed upon set of rules that everyone sticks to.
Leonardo Di Caprio came up because of the recent internet buzz about him. If R Kelly attempted to court my daughter, he'd be taking unnecessary risks with his ability to continue breathing. I would never pimp out my child. Seriously, heads would roll. I've already had one pimp bent over backwards with his shoulder about to be dislocated for trying to groom my daughter. I could have ripped his trachea out with moderate but manageable difficulty.
And no, our debate is on whether or not age gap relationships are a good thing or a bad thing, not about Di Caprio's legal standing or whether he should be allowed to date women under 25. I think you missed the through line in there. Also, I disagree with you as to the primacy of the parents over everyone else. Remember, it was the parents who gave their daughters to R Kelly and sent their sons to spend the night with Michael Jackson. I think the parties involved in said relationship should be the primary consideration, but I think in general, people should be more educated and aware of people and relationships, so they don't end up in bad situations.
Being a parent doesn't automatically make one an expert or infallible in spotting abuse. But parents are not the reason pedophiles and predators are a problem. Pedophiles and predators are the reason pedophiles and predator are a problem. Parents are not the only reason child abuse is a problem as they are not the only ones who abuse children. Teachers, priests, sports coaches, doctors, nannies. etc. have all also abused children.