I'm aware of that. I should have highlighted and then responded.
That's not what I was disagreeing with. This is: "While it affects us all, once you have children, its effects are far less noticeable." That statement was toward the end of your piece.
I stand by my disagreement with it. Once you have children, you still get asked repeatedly about whether or not there will be more. Can't tell you how often some well meaning troglodyte tried to shame me for having only one, only wanting one, or waiting so long to have the first one. Or, they'd gaslight me about financial concerns or that we're in the beginning of collapse.
I don't know if any woman, whether she has children or not, and possibly particularly if she is white in the US who does not constantly get bombarded with this shit unless she just goes all gooey about wanting soooo many babies.
Also again, since I was in my mid 30s when I had my daughter, I've been on both sides of this. There is no competition here. No time or place where one position is better than another. The grass isn't greener. It's just opposite sides of the same bullshit coin.
It's all crabgrass and it all sucks. All the time.
It's reason to be thankful for menopause except that apparently, it doesn't end there either, as I'm finding out.
What the holy fucking shit fuck?