2 min readSep 3, 2023


I'll check out your article, Nigel. Thanks for reading and I'm glad you got something out of it. Hope it helps you moving forward.

Quick answer to one of your questions. Giys with confidence are able to a eomans defenses because they are more likely to ask her name.

Confidence is attractive, no doubt, but most women are not drawn to one thing and physical attraction does not translate to sexual attraction for most. It does for some.

I swear to God, the so called "awkward" men more often than not are no where near as disadvantaged as they believe themselves to be. They create a lot of their own failures by this belief they have.

Used to be, men and women talked to each other more. It was as it should be. You'd strike up a conversation and THEN if it went well, you'd decide if you found her sexually attractive and wanted to pursue and THEN you'd ask her out. By that point, you've already established a baseline of trust. That will automatically take care of a lot of the 'that just got awkward' or skeezy used car salesman vibe the PUA approaches give off outside a bar when you're drunk.

Because when it comes down to it, it's dehumanizing. Every time.

Imagine if I walked up to you and public and launched into the weird ass spiel around why you should show me your bank account. And I never identified myself. Or asked your name. Or came out and said what I wanted from you, it was just a bunch of leading statements.

You'd think I was a creep, right? That I was looking to hurt you or cause you some kind of grief, right? That I was up to something because it's weird. You'd be right to be suspicious because what well meaning, good intentioned person does that?

Those tactics only work on women who are it in a mentally healthy place themselves, assume you're using them and will use you too (don't hate the player, hate the game, remember?), they're just incredibly naive or haven't been assaulted yet. There's a reason why the manosphere influencers are saying not to date women over 25 now.

After all, if two players are playing a gsme of checkers, who's more likely to win? The player who's been playing for a while or has studied the rules or the player who's never played and is trusting you to know the rules?



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