If youre not one of the arrogant aa fuck men making that claim, thrn it's not directed at you.
Withholding sex will not change abortion rules. Abortion referendum were already on stste ballots in 11 states, mine included. It passed. So, men are being "punished" because AZ voted overwhelmingly to restore abortion rights? Huh??? FLorida's referendum failed. So.....AZ men have to be "punished" because FL men "failed"? Say what?!? And exactly how is this supposed to help Florida women?
Yeah, if they had the technology and know how we have today, they would have used it in Sparta because they didn't appear to hate women and only Spartan women give birth to Spartan men.
You had a female avatar say that. We can't know. We know disinformation and propagenda are an ongoing problem on the internet. Likewise, ibe been inundated with "your body, my choice" garbage from male avatar accounts. Yet I'm supposed to magically realize that's it's really only a very small subset of men, not claim my 'anecdotes' are substitutes for fact, and make damn sure that 'all men' who stumble upon my respouses to that vitriol don't get their feelings hurt. I can only advise you to do the same and insist upon the same standard, regardless of how harmful to your mental health it is to be lumped in with "all men".
Yes, a lot of women voted for Trump. I have thoughts on that as well. They are not polite ones.
I really would have to see this statement again. Women losing reproductive rights is not the fault of men because they voted for Trump. But. The consequences TO THEM of women losing reproductive rights and the forthcoming Project 2025 nightmare is their fault because they voted for it. They chose it. They chose every bit of it. Happily. Gleefully. Trollingly.
That doesn't mean its not also true of the 44% of women who ALSO chose it.
And there will be natural consequences. Its not about "punishment". Its about natural consequences to a choice that was made. A choice with very real, very deadly consequences. It doesn't matter if you understood what you were choosing when you made that choice. The time to choose a condom is before you get a woman pregnant, not after. The time to look into what Project 2025 is about was before the vote not after. Now there are just inevitable consequences.
A lot of men are acting like children. They seemingly want to be able to make that choice to flout their manhood and stick it to the liberals or put women in thwir place (based on all the crowing), but not be held to the consequences of doing so.
But an ectopic pregnancy doesn't care if you're a "nice guy" or not. Its deadly either way And they are more common than you think. Ultimately, it's the man who put it there. But she will be the one to pay the price.
With HER life.
Men just voted against casual sex, from here on out and they think they should be exempt from that bill. Theyre bitching aND moaning about women being gatekeepers and blah blah blah. The usual. Then they'll go brag about their vote and liberal/feminist tears.
Gentlemen, you voted to lock your own dicks up. You gatekept your own damn selves. Your dick and 2 minutes of pleasure are now deadlier weapons. You cut your noses off to spite your faces.
So did 44% of women, for whatever the hell all their 'reasons' were. They, too, will learn the hard way that they and theie female familt members will not be exempt from those natural consequences. But you don't see as many of them ignorantly bragging and crowing about, or blaming or trolling men who are pointing out the blisteringly obvious, which is also happening. That's still men, these same dumb as fuck, propagandized, low information, low thinking men. The same douchebag DudeBro men it always is.
I dont know what else to tell you. Every decision in life we make has consequences, either positive or negative. Often both. Every decision you make, is a decision against something else. Enjoy your prize. And your consequences that go with it. You owned the libs and made feminists cry. Congratufuckinglations. Now your boners are going to fossilize in your pants because no one is going to want your dick ever again.