If you want to believe that, go right ahead. If you want to label it entitlement, nobody's stopping you.
I would remind you that financial abuse is real and devastating. I would remind you that in situations of abuse, women are consistently blamed for "picking bad men".
Yet when she makes that call and avoids a potential abuse situation, now she's "entitled".
With dynamics like that, it's a wonder any of us still bother with you men at all. What's the point?
But you do you, Boo.
She's the one who has to put up with this guy. It's up to her to decide what's acceptable in her life and what's not. Just as he gets to make that determination about her. It's no one else's business or decision to make.
Let's not forget that financial stress is one of the top things couples face, so financial misalignment is not a quirk like having a weird hobby obsession or having a horse laugh.
If this were the other way around, and she were displaying signs of being an out of control shopaholic, we'd be congratulating him on dodging a bullet. And we would be right to do so.
But again, you do you, Boo.
BTW, when I was still dating, holding double standards and not having any sense were definitely cull factors. Those standards saved me many a drama man whore.
Having seen the fallout and wreckage amongst my family, friends, and coworkers who did not make similar dating culls based on their own sensible personal standards of who's good for them to be with and who's not .... I'll accept that definition of entitled.
I'm entitled to a decent life for.me and my daughter. I'm entitled to choose who gets to have a olace in our lives and who doesn't. I'm entitled to not be required or shamed into allowing in people who will do us harm or drag us down.
I am absolutely cool with that because any guy dating me gets to make the same choice for himself and his kids, if he has any.
I see what you're about though.